Tag Archive for: giving back

Hawaiian Canoe Club

Community support help Hawaiian Canoe Club maintain its competitive paddling and cultural programs. Let's become a member to start paddling today!

Get Involved on Maui

From donating to a cause to volunteering with one of the many unique non-profits, exploring the island is a great way to Get Involved on Maui. We believe that giving back and participating in important community projects is the necessary key to keeping our Maui way of life intact.

Malama Maui | Malama Maui Nui

Malama Maui Nui, a non-profit organization works to make Maui beautiful and cleaner thru beach cleanups, wetlands reforestation and recycling events. In addition to raising awareness for their cause, we make a financial donation and volunteer our time to help them to accomplish their goals. We are proud to sponsor Malama Maui Nui.

Honolua Bay Saved! Community support works

We must never give up hope and go quietly into the night, or fail to support those in our community who are called to stand for what they believe in. Honolua Bay is a very special place to Maui residents and visitors alike. Recently the land surrounding Honolua Bay was saved!